
When I first started out in FO4, I felt like they had finally gotten it right. I was terrified of any encounter. But it took until maybe level ten (and I think I’m being generous here) before I was a remorseless eatin’ machine. And now, at level 57, I can’t find anything that just me and the Deliverer can’t handle.

Now the view distance is much deeper than any of the quest lines in the game.

Yay, now we have faraway dead bushes.

Toby Fox mentioned on Twitter last week (would post link if work PCs didn’t block social media) that Nintendo DID approach him on porting it to the WiiU or 3DS, but the biggest issue is that Undertale was made using the PC-only Game Maker, thus making a direct port pretty much impossible unless the WiiU app wound up

Which astounds me when I think about it. Sleep mode is to vital to gaming on the go. If I’m in the middle of a battle sequence and I have to attend to something, I can just close the system and it stays right where it was at.

I originally imported MOTHER 3 back when it came out. I don’t know much Japanese, but I enjoyed it anyway.

True, however keep in mind that one of the advantages for cartridges is the potential for game based hardware upgrades. The gold and silver gen carts were better then the red and blue gen carts

Iwata never ceases to amaze me.

For me the biggest Pokemon development thing was how Iwata was able to get Gold’s code down to such a small size that they were able to fit Kanto onto the same cartridge!

I know gamers don’t understand, but self health market is one of the fastest growing at the moment.

I bought my sons 3DS systems for Christmas a couple years ago. They have been the most fragile electronic devices I’ve ever owned. They don’t mistreat these things at all and yet both have been warranty serviced twice and just over the weekend one of them corrupted the SD card and lost all of the data (saves). These

Thing is, this level isn’t that hard with some practice and memorization. The problem was that the game just keeps getting harder and harder and harder.

Absolute nightmares. I would not use Leo and Raphael purposely for the first levels just so if I messed up with Mike and Don on that level, I would have two full life bar turtles at the ready.

Man, fuck this level. I found the best way to beat it is to switch turtles when they have an ounce of health left.

Took me 15 years to get past the stage (of course a lot of those were just avoiding the game....) got past it and just quit. I win. Fuck what you say Konami/Ultra, I WIN.

im not saying that level was easy, but by no means is it as difficult as people make it out to be. Everything in Castlevania after the third stage is harder than that level. Everything in Ninja gaiden after stage 4 is harder than that level. Battletoads is harder than that level.

Hah, I can so imagine it now. Incoherent sugar madness.

I never could beat it. last year I downloaded it on an emulator and played it on god mode just to see what was past the damn Terrordrome.

I know right! It was fucking discouraging as a kid really wanting to enjoy a game and just being like fuck this shit!