
*54 masterful tweets. There are two tweets labeled "(8/53)"

My friend came up to me and he said "Hey, you know what I like? Mitch Hedberg quotes." I was like, "Dude, you gotta give me time to guess. If you're gonna quiz me, you gotta put a pause in there."

Every time I go and reflect on Mitch Hedberg's legacy, I assume there's someone else on the planet reflecting on Mitch Hedberg's legacy, so I say, "I'm going to go reflect on Mitch Hedberg's legacy, too."

I consider myself more of a "don't call chicks broads" guy, actually. What's the matter, kid, you got wax in your… eyes?

I don't know how many time I've told you, never call chicks broads!

For me, it would have to be "Who Got Dee Pregnant?" I can watch that episode an unlimited number of times, and it still feels like a limited number of times.