"I think she likes sex already."
"I think she likes sex already."
"I mean there's the fact Broken Age STILL isn't out"
When someone in a community other than yours says what you are saying or doing makes them uncomfortable, stop. Everybody messes up sometimes. I have messed up. But just listen up and stop.
Be careful what you wish for...
If I had the money I'd buy one. Female/uk
When the Kickstarter backer exclusive gameplay debut for the spiritual successor to The Neverhood hit the web,…
Can't argue with something this damn cute.
For a squirrel, that was actually some impressive camera work!
ok that was funny. One thing I appreciated was that there was NO audio commentary.
Sorry guys, I must just be at the time in my cycle where I'm more sensitive to bullshit woo-woo "science" studies.
"without knowing it, we walk more slowly ahead of men and swing our hips"
Another thing for women to have anxiety over. Perfect. Just get them navel-gazing enough, obsessing on exactly why they're doing what they're doing, and soon they'll have less enthusiasm for anything reality-based on the outside. This kind of delightful pseudoscience is even CALLED A HOROSCOPE but people are…
Violence against women is an ugly reality that's all too common, no matter what walk of life people come from.…
Not exactly what I want in a marriage.
And Gazans aren't allowed out. Who do you think controls the borders of Gaza?
Exactly. I'm not super stylish but I know what attributes to play up (I have huge boobs and people tell me they get lost in my eyes). So I play those up. A nice A-line sundress or pants, a flattering top and some heels plus well done hair, makeup, accessories and an open smile/persona makes all the difference. I could…
Guy: Would you like to gain weight? It would only be for nine months. ;)
I love how he can handle a woman covered in two-week-old butter but armpit hair is a bridge too far.