
Well not THAT short :P

Awesome sideburns.


Wow. Virtual woman abuse? o.O

Great place for a steampunk event <3

How can you tell it's being kept as a pet and not in an animal shelter or something like that?

I wouldn't call myself musical at all, though I always had a good ear when it comes to language and its intonation. I tend to pick up on accents around me terribly quick.

It's not that complicated really, the letter H is the eighth letter in the alphabet, hence 88 means HH.

Aw. Liked.

Seconded. First thought I had was "damn those are insanely skinny legs".

Oh I see. But in this video it really looks like the camera man is trying to run away from the poor thing...

Anyone else thought of this as more heartbreaking than it is adorable?

First video the thing turns a kind of yellow, second, nothing at all. Though watching it here [www.michaelbach.de], the whole thing turns into purple/violet.

I'd love a monument like that.

Oddly though, cancer is way more common among rats than it is among humans.

"Motherese"!? Wouldn't "parentese" be a more proper term (and sounding a lot less like Mother Teresa)?

Now playing

Oh, how I LOVE M83. Though the old stuff still rocks my boat a bit farther.

M83 used to be an electronic duo, but one guy left, and after that M83 became more vocal and more 80's influenced.

5) In Season 2 we'll have THREE realities to deal with.