
But didn't it say on the stone tablet to kill the leader in order for them all to die?

"That wubbly-bubbly thing" that happened to Dick was to show that not just him, but ALL the Leviathans died/vanished from the earth at that point. Dick dying without any "external effects" would've raised the question if him dying really caused all the others to die aswell, or if they were still around, killing thin

He added a story in Henry's book.

Second video made me think of Sadako as a chest burster.

OMG I want one. I want one sooooooo bad.


So true! <3

And I disagree.

Evil brown silky scarf of doom is evil.

They really, REALLY don't. Can't you tell the difference between a zebra, a mule and a horse either? o.O

Looks...too...much...like...bubble wrap....must...resist...urge...*SPLORTCH*

Agreed ^-^ Lil' Sock agrees aswell!

Oh I see...hilarious though that it STILL isn't a mouse xD


Just more creative, as said.

Uh, 8x10...it's a baby rat. :P

It's NOT a hamster, it's a baby rat. Tail hidden in the picture, or it's a manx. Hamsters look way different.

In the picture: Baby rat. Possibly manx.

Didn't Supernatural do this pretty recently?

I'm thinking, isn't more creative physicists enough?