No problem :)
Totally! They did a great job on young Snowwhite, they even got a kid who could act and talk like the grown up Snow. This pinoccio kid is adorable, but him turning into THAT, is simply not believeable.
"if you're having trouble identifying with a gender, you can always switch". Switch to what? You are not understanding "hen" at all, it's about adding a third option, not a substitute for the existing ones. Also, it's about taking steps in changing language in order for equality for ALL. Read up on queer theory and…
Get your facts right before you do that next time :P The system works just like keysburg wrote.
Nature vs Man 1-0
I want to know if this is something dinosaurs used too, or if it came with evolution.
These faces can also be seen when tasting something they don't care for.
I really can't wait <3
Looks like it's been Hypnotoaded.
- When the water sphere rotates, why do the bubbles center themselves?
I think it sounds like it's laughing....so hilarious!
The hooded rat is cuuuuuuute!
"a little socially awkward"....A LITTLE? This is why I always preferred Romulans. Vulcans drive me nuts.