
The only horror was the one the bats felt having their home ruined. Also, I feel sorry for the poor 'lil one getting crushed at 0:40 :(


Everyone thinks poor dinos, I think elderly dude with poor blue dye job.

I for one love these more covered up, unsexified superheroines. They are superheroes, who just happen to be women. How I wish we'd get more of this.

This is not news to me. Any sexually active woman should agree to just how different we are "wired", and how that results in finding pleasure equally differently. Just as an example - for me it's all about the wires, and stay the frack away from the red button.

Clever advertisement for another 2012-like film, but with added Red State and War of the Worlds sounds?

Without character development, I couldn't care less if the main character lives or dies. Huge, HUGE, and repetative disappointment.

A clip of Serkis going apeshit. (Surprised noone's said it yet.)

Ribs, and small breasts. Seeing how skinny and muscular they are, I found the breast size appropriate...

Wow. Vermin "Boothead" Supreme is hilarious. Trying to figure out whether he's crazy or just acting crazy to prove a political point.

Oh wow. This film makes me hurl.

What the hell is going on with the groin areas of Jewel and Luna?

My first memory, I was only a year and a half. Pretty traumatic to me, so I guess that's how it got etched in at such an early age. After that I don't really remember anything until 3-4 years old.

Thank you, just what I was thinking.

It looks and moves just like one of my fat pet fancy rats <3

Banning lolicon, toddlercon and such is moronic - as long as there's so much sexual violence against ANY female charachter in lots of hentai. Just as an example.

I wish they'd stop making things 3D, it just ruins it.

Is there an embed code avaliable for the vid? I'd love to share it with my fellow ratmates at the fancy rat forum I'm moderating :D

So Superman is super strong but is all huff and puff while carrying a large lady? Where's the logic in that?

Boobs with fake eyelashes. What would Freud make of this?