
I swear he said "Tony Stark" and not "Jon"...

Canon commercial and soap bubble :/

Pffft, yeah like anyone would bother to put make up and matching outfits on after the zombiecalypse.

Agree'd. What the hell were they thinking naming it that?

A rat called Arrietty: "We're not scavengers or thieves, we're BORROWERS!"

Those are fancy pet rats in the picture, not the wild brown rat. Big difference.

Bah, fail on putting a pet fancy rat on the picture, which is a Brown rat (Rattus Norvegicus) rather than the in the article mentioned Black Rat (Rattus Rattus).

And if the pictures aren't too old, her hair isn't even gray. I highly doubt it's been dyed.

Can we really be sure some of them aren't really, really old dildos?

I can only speak for myself, but I yawn all the time, and tend to often have a very warm forehead (while a cold/normal temperature body), so to me it makes perfect sense.

I highly doubt that. Probably just your computer screen displaying colors like that.


Very interesting! This definitely explains why depression and social phobia often coexist. Instead of acting upon hatred and loathing in certain situations (i.e if being badly treated), one tends to withdraw from society.

My dad can't use computers and cellphones either. He hasn't been in prison for 28 years.

Isn't that out of that fake Titanic 2 trailer?

I think the biggest mistake of Miracle Day was that it got out of hand before it even begun. Torchwood needs to stay low key, and swift, since we all know that if things REALLY turned to shit, we'd have The Doctor saving our planet. Not Torchwood. The main purpose of Torchwood is to clean up alien prescense - good or