
Is it because of the giant sperm on the side and hood?

This is what happens when you use electronics during takeoff or landing...

Now remember, we're not all like that. Just last week I stopped a car and got into a ten minute conversation about how we both want to go to Laguna Seca and test our cars out. There are some out there though that are embarrassing to work with.

A detention and arrest are two different things.

I would also like to nominate San Francisco, because: See pic.

The Sierra Nevadas in Northern California. Here is a picture of Hwy 49. I grew up in Cool, Ca. and everywhere you went there was a long curvy highway littered with small towns every 10-15 miles where you could stop for drink. I would say the Sierra Nevadas have some of the best driving roads in the United States.

I really, really want to believe this... But I still think it's a viral marketing campaign for a movie.

Are we sure this isn't just a promo for a movie???

It had to be done.


This will probably piss some people off... But I hate the NA Miata door handles (Interior and Exterior) The outside you can only fit one finger in to open it... Just stupid, and the interior door locks are a pain in the butt to lock after a few years on the road...

"Aren't you sharp as a tack?" It's spelled Warrant.

That's quite a few charges... If I was the arresting officer, we would be going for grand theft auto, probably burglary (Don't quite remember the details) Assault with a deadly weapon, from where they backed into the truck Robbery (Using force, again the truck) hit and run and probably a few other charges... Sounds

And 2


The best thing about this car is you can crash it into a wall at 200+ mph and it will just bounce right off with no damage!!!