
BLIMEY dey hit a kangaroo! Time to put another shrimp on the barbie! G'day Mate!

@JayhawkJake: Me too! it acts like it doesn't know what I'm talking about... Stoopid eBay....

Crack Pipe... Awesome Cuda' but it is owned by the type of automobile enthusiast I despise.

Not really that difficult if you know anything about aviation...

@Jim-Bob: I love electric cars... They just aren't practical... Those electric engines provide a lot of torque! I once had both an electric and gas powered Traxxas T/E-Maxx RC truck. The gas one was about 30% faster (top speed) but the electric one could pull wheelies with ease! The electric one also was better

Aaaaand.... Jalopnik has been added to my list of websites not to visit while eating...

Awwww =( and I was gonna name my car the muffmobile...

These things are going on Craigslist used for like 13K?! I could buy like 18 Miatas for that price!!!

@Bluecold: The music from the original C&C series is so great :D Hell March, Mechanical Man, Act on Instinct, Industrial One, Target, and Just Do It Up all accompany only one other original video game song on my iPhone, Still Alive from Portal.

@chrisdoob: Wouldn't want to stick my hand up there either!

@Slinkytech: Why is your comment pink even though you have a star?

That bra would look a lot better on the ground.

@DPeezy: It's all good, had to dust off my safari browser...