
You can actually see the bullet bouncing off the ice and landing about a foot back from the original impact point...

This has been done before... I'm really looking foward to the video where someone eats the 6 month old happy meal! Maybe Jackass 3D...

Maybe it will be called OS XI...

@HektikLyfe: They could call it "OS X Pussy"

I expect a loooong thread in in #offtopic from people who saw the in studio recording today.

Now WTF am I supposed to do on November 2nd... Vote?!....

Easy, take the license plate off, get those geeks out of there and program them to run when it sees the popo... Who are they gonna write the ticket to then?!

230!!!! I'm pretty Jalop I guess!

@Abrahim Ladha: I was just being a smart ass lol but that's a pretty cool explanation! Just when I jailbroke my iPhone 4 an hour or so ago I thought the logo looked kinda pixelated....

@pbrtim: Let's see how the Camaro does through the Hammer Head.... He's off the course! Turn right Stig!!! Turn right!!!!!

Geohot needs to update limera1n so the icon takes full advantage of the Retina Display on the iPhone 4 :(

@darkslide: Actually it went from a misdemeanor to an infraction.

@wuclan: Some of us are and some of us aren't... I am.

@RT100: Totally heard that in peppy le pew's voice.

@rjwe87: Heart Cleek for you!

@johnmc: They also help you see over people.