
@Thoriq Ikhwan: That probably won't be coming until september...

@peckels01: I think they should do the whole site in comic sans

@Poison_Shroom: I've got the current one in my car. I know this will use the same cable though, so I'll bet we'll need a new one for the new dimensions... That or we'll need a dremel

@Kappuru: He'd just end up selling the Ninja at a loss in a year tops... I'd say get something that has enough power, but is easily controllable. I think the SV650 would fit that bill. The XT225 would be a good one for an on and off road though; however I'd go for something in the 350 range

@CamJN: You meet the nicest people on a Honda!

Joel, I suggest you check out this book:

@ottermann poked Kenny: I'm making some 9:30 AM spaghetti for my live blogging, but I will have the Dew!

Who thinks i'll have to buy a new dock for the HD?

So, I'm expecting a OSX update today, in fact I have a leaked photo of it right here:

@mikehtiger: Well apparently ingadget.com directs to that other estoopid website.... Joke failed...-100 internets...:(

Well Giz, I could watch the live blog here, and receive my updates a bit more slowly, or I could watch it over at Ingadget.com or Ungadget.com or whatever your rivals are called. However I must remain loyal to you!

As I shift through gears

@mikehtiger: A BMW has its pricks on the inside.

You know the difference between a BMW and a porcupine?