
@Steezy McFresh: All this comments and suddenly i feel like going, anyway i have to unlock Angry Birds Xmast 7th level so I'll be back soon!

@yaschwartz: To poo or to browse, that was the question..... and along came Steve Jobs.

@Rodney Sparks: i believe that being able to poo and browse was the main reason the iPad was created.

What if you actually like to poo while using your iPad?

@tyrizzle: zzzmmmmm zzmmmmm.... that's the sound of my brainwaves being sent to you in reply by telepathy.... zzmmmmmm zzmmmmm....

I dislike this guy. I had one BB in my life and it has been the worst purchase of any type I've ever made. I'd rather have my thumbs amputated than having to use a BlackBerry again. I hope this guy..... No, this time I'll keep my thoughts to myself, last time i was banned because of some some self righteous id..

I like the outside but not so much the furniture. In Tron's trailer there is a scene where Jeff B. meets his son in his "apartment" or "room" or whatever it is, that's where i want to live.

@krypterband: Yeah, maybe I didn't explain myself correctly, I did like the second Hulk movie, and like you said the fight scenes were really good, the first movie not so much.

I couldn't read the spoilers, need to see it without knowing shit about it. Did anyone else here disliked Avatar? I liked Kevin Costner's version the best.

@krypterband: Great to see a comment without sarcasm in it. I'm happy about all this movies but hope Hulk gets another chance, he deserves it.

@artistpavel: I thought it was SAMOLED ¿am i wrong?

link not working.

9. A better Android Market.

I know this is cool but it is just not for me. I like my smartphone just like i like my girl: thin and sexy.

If people don't like today's Times Square and rather have the old one with junkies and hookers is because either they are a junkie or a hooker or both or one of their parents is or used to be a junkie or a hooker or they are in love with a junkie or a hooker.

I think this asshole should be hunted down, how many lives has he endangered by publishing stolen information. Hope the government finds him and throws him in a hole where he never sees the sunshine ever again. I'd say they should kill him but I don't want to insult anyone's sensibility here, so I'll just quietly

She has a great body considering she was pregnant with twins!

@GustavoSM: No, but i have a wood leg and a parrot!