
@rsiglesias: iLife now with 20% more arsenic.

I'll see it at least 3 times at the cinema before buying a DVD from a street vendor for $1.00 ¿does that makes me a pirate? does it? God i feel so confused.

God damn you Michael Bay for destroying MY Transformers.

Tintin?? who's that? Never heard of him....

I get a message that 3.2.2 is the current version and there are no upgrades available.

OK. And i thought my phone was kind of sci-fi tech.

In the first fight scene he kindda reminded me of James Bond.

Used to have an iPhone and it was stolen from me (among other stuff) then got myself a Galaxy S with Android 2.1 and i love it. It's hard to say if i like my iPhone or my Android more both are great and if u think about it we sometimes complain about small issues when in fact we are using phones right out of sci-fi

Simple solution and let me put it in round numbers: Let's say you have to pay $100 and get 50% discount, you save $50 but you feel like an @$$h0l3 ¿what should you do? take $20 from those $50 you just save and use them as an extra tip. Thats what i do at the two coffee shops i usually go to and it works just fine, i

@SinisterBill: Yeah, i was asking myself the same question.... where the hell is Tron?

RIM is death, eventually there will only be space in this market

"I think I can type on an iPhone keyboard nearly as quickly as on my desktop" .... Yeah right ¿who's going to believe that? i mean, i know you have to post something but please don't write this kind of crap.

I had a CrapBerry for 2 weeks and hated it.

It should go straight to DVD and even that would be too much for this crap.

Yeah right.....How much are the Time Travelers paying you to publish this Gizmodo? Again , i expected more of you but you keep on disappointing me.