
I guess it must be great but i was expecting the hardware to look sleeker. Of course this is just a pre-production unit so it might change a bit but still....

The problem we have is that we are no longer able to be amazed by this characters, for example when Superman Returns came out Dell rented 5 cinemas here in El Salvador for all of us to see the movie so i was sitting next to a friend and at the end he was kind of disappointed about the movie, ¿why? i asked him and his

Aaahhh... If only life were like all this ads! Anyway the flying Superandroid was cool.

@JohnDonk: See, the thing is this is a tech blog and let's be honest: As much as you may love your Nokia it is not high tech anymore, Nokia this days stands for cheap plastic cellphones (And there's nothing wrong with that, my mother uses one of those things).

I'm getting one. I'm just waiting for my brother to get asleep so i can kill him and sell his organs.

@Orange_Gamer: Ahhh Zelda! i can only wish. also i want to get 1943 The Battle Of Midway, Rad Racer (remember it was in 3D?) and Mike Tyson's Punch out.

@Orange_Gamer: Thanks man! and the best part: i got the NES, the 2 game pads the zapper and the games for.... $30 from my GF's dad.

Mine is still fully operational, and tonight we are gonna party like it's her birthday!!

When the singularity happens, I want to become a super delicious potato chip.

That's the best slave Leia since the original slave Leia

@collex: Agree. Superman NEEDS an awesome fight scene(s).

I would be scared to engage on battle with that thing.

@Akhen: You're not missing anything for what i saw.

You guys probably won't believe this but anyway, here it goes: After reading this i visited AOL's website....for the first time...ever.

@iDon't even: Maybe, but is sad that you can actually crop, or do basic editing or post a video easier with an iPhone than with a PC. in the past two and a half months i made the commitment to stop using MS products as much as i can (I'm still stuck with Windows) i changed from Office to Google docs, from Hotmail to

@Captain_Tripps: wolfmen are like independent candidates: eveybody likes them but they never really do anything