
@Stompy1: Impossible: Alien's blood is not compatible with vampires, their organism would reject it.

@Stompy1: @Captain_Tripps: @DrForbidden: Some day, the truth will see the light, we humans are in the middle of a struggle between Aliens, Zombies, AI robots and vampires.

Wow. It's amazing how much those spaceships look like real spaceships. Like 90% accurate.

What is Inception?


@BjaminNYC: Dude ¿why would i buy a 120", 90" 60" or 54" TV? 32" screen size is enough for me (that's the one i have right now) but if someone likes a 100" TV that's fine. All i say is i Don't.

@xsbs: That's right as i said before I'm just saying my personal opinion, If someone wants a $20,000,000 house and can afford it thats great, all i'm saying i don't think i'd buy something like that.

@HeroOfTomorrow is unhappy: And i'm sure it would be great to have that but like you said: It's just my opinion, i don't need too much to feel comfortable

@TheCrudMan: You said it better than me. Thanks!

@Bos'un's Mate: Me too (i respect ur opinion that is) but the thing is, maybe it would be a novelty to see those scenes with the help of 3D but my point is it might be an option but not a must for the movie. i find 3D to be a little distracting and also it stresses my eyes so maybe it's just me but i just don't seem

@Azures: Yes i will and you'll hear about it on CNN

Why does someone needs such a big house as this guys? I'd love a small house designed with good taste, comfortable and with some high tech stuff. Thats it, anything else is just too much.

@nothingspecial: Thanks! i have been thinking about dog's crap color for months and now i see your comment so you've saved me a lot of time. Now i can think about my parrot's poo!!

Sci-Fi and kid's movies, that all we need 3D movies for. ¿how the hell would 3D improve The Godfather?

for the 5th time: Zuckerberg = @$$h0l3. and one day i will find him on the street and kick seven shades of crap out of him! (he knows exactly why, really he does, nobody calls me a liar without having his ass kicked).

Great story!! this is movie's or book's stuff. and a really happy ending.

Coffee. The best thing in the world (after Family, Sex, God, money, gadgets and baseball but not necessarily in that order) Damn! almost forgot about pizza!

Really? are you serious? this is not a contest. Bishop rules.

although i have to say i once cloned a vampire-cat with laser beam eyes that was able to teleport itself to THREE different alternate universe as well to different locations in our universe, the cat then created a frankenmouse from body parts of LIVE mice and finally eat the frankenmouse just minutes before it muted

Bishop all the way!!