
@evanminn01: all right so as you said it just save a step for people who wants to be your "facebook friends", It's no big deal when people take 15 minutes of their time to set privacy settings and customize them, however i think 95% of users don't ever customize those things so some of them may be giving away more

@hostile-17: I was wondering too.... Unless it means that "limboed" people get your info on their newsfeed.

@Gilliam: Maybe, but i'd love to see Jesus fight Chuck Norris in a no rules street fight. that would solve one of mankind's greatest mysteries: who is more powerful? Jesus or Norris?

This is 99.99% pure awesomeness. If you could manufacture greatness this will be the final product. it's awesome! as a catholic i can testify Jesus can kick the crap out of any sumo fighter, alien, or yakuza and also i know for sure he is faster than a rocket. When he comes back he'll come back just like this!

@Zack Stentz: @Zack Stentz: I'll just wait 'till someone i know (perhaps a Facebook friend) rents it or buy it or whatever and i'll watch it for free. at this point i don't think there's anyway you can damage Zuckerberg's wallet! it's just that i don't think a movie about this company and it's founder is worth $4.00

A great idea would be a tablet that actually folds in half and in one half u have a screen and in the other you have a keyboard!! in fact you can even add a touchpad right below the keyboard!! That would be AMAZING!! I wonder why nobody has had that idea? and it would be really easy to use it on top of your lap we

One that i will always remember: The Twin Towers scene in Fringe's alternate universe. When i saw it i was like ¡¡¿¿WHAT THE MOTHER FUCK1NG FU*K IS FUCK1NG HAPPENING HERE. FU*K??.

For the third time this week: Zuckerberg is an @$$h0l3. I'm watching this movie (I'm just not paying to do so)

Atlantis here we go (or here you come)

I've always enjoyed drawing spaceships and all terrain vehicles for outer space exploration (yes i am that kind of person) but with great artistic limitations, nothing as good as this, but i enjoy seeing this stuff so thanks io9

So Google wants me to use Google Docs so i don't have to use MS Office anymore, but if i need to work offline the only option they provide is t export my doc to MS's format. How lame is that?

a 500 years old Superman? I like the idea they should make a story of it.

I mostly use Tweetdeck so who the hell cares?

¿Are you guys really surprised? Last time U2 wrote a good song was for Zooropa and that was 17 years ago. They are the lamest "¿rock?" band and have been for almost 2 decades. I'd love to kick the self righteousness right out of Bono. Also, this Spiderman musical is the worst idea ever, it'll run for two weeks tops.

I know when all GUI and touch devices are destroyed you guys with the CLI skills will rule the world and enslave everyone else. I'm just to lazy for this.

This is not a good article, this is GREAT! I can tell anyone who ask me: before starting up and engaging on any activity (specially if money is involved) study it, learn about it soak urself with every little detail as much as u can, because it will save you time, money and tears.

@FrankN.Stein: Well i liked the car/time machine analogy, other than that the movie was crap.

@MrGOH: when you're right you're right.

All i know is this must be one strong Unicorn 'cause RoboCop is anything but light weighted