
@The Captain: You're so cruel. That could have been my son.

Dammit! Of course it's a driver error everybody knows that once you are inside your 458 you shouldn't push the start button. i guarantee you if you don't start the car the engine will not catch fire. I'm sure this people have never owned a Ferrari before, they are the ones to blame.

@Skunky: Take that picture away!! he is the one that did it. Oh the horror!!! and what he did to Smurfette.....It was unspeakable.

@cumbirnard: Yes i said it. I want satisfaction. Now.

@mikehenriquez: Not joking. This is exactly what happened in the Smurf Village when Handy Smurf started experimenting with frogs. ¿when was the last time you saw a live smurf? It's happening again!!

You do know that this frog's descendants will eventually conquer us and probably mate with our women right? We are doomed. kneel before our mutant robofrog masters.

I really don't care that much about it, as long as they don't have too much distortion any earbud will do, at least for me. I'm kinda deaf on my left ear BTW probably because of buying cheap earbuds.

@Sport6: My contract is due in December and hopefully there will be more Android phones around that time (i live in El Salvador) right now the best Android here would be the Xperia with 1.6 so i better wait and probably end up buying Android. Thanks 4 the advice!

Right now, i have an iP3GS and i like it, i'm planning to get the iP4 as soon as i can but i really like the fact Froyo is really that good and hope WP7 will also be as good. the better the OSs out there the better for consumers. As i Said i really like iOS but i'm no fanboy i'm willing to try other stuff as long as

@moonshadowkati: Aaahhh if only life were as simple as you think it is! didn't you read my comment? i said we have to go as green and eco-friendly as possible but the only way we humans can stop to modify and pollute our environment 100% would be to vanish from earth. Yeah turn off the lights, telecommute when u can,

@Ivriniel: I get your point but really, what are we gonna do? i mean we can try to be as "green" as possible but the fact of the matter is that we love to drive cars, we love to travel to far away countries, we want our pizza delivered to our front door, the keyboard u and i are using to type our comments is made out

This is mine, and i need dual monitors (in fact i'd love 3 but i can't find one of those small 7 inch USB monitors here in El Salvador)

RIMs executives are jut totally disconnected from the real world, of course they will remain profitable for years to come but the growing days are gone, they are just a far memory slowly fading.....

Well, RIM is getting what they deserve: they build "The world's Dumbest Smarthphone" and they think people are stupid and that they can get away with any crap they make. Well news flash RIM: this is 2010 and nobody wants your crap. I'm shorting $RIMM and i'll make some money with them and then i'll throw them away

Ahhhh, if only i lived in a civilized country. If i go countryside here i might end up in the news.....and not in a good way. Sad, so sad.

Great so it has Photoshop, now all it needs is a FREAKING CAMERA!!

@Cyb3r_Punk: dude i wrote the same thing (kind of), sorry i was not trying to copy you.

I hate to say this guys, but more than looking like a Leica this thing looks like -gasp- a BlackBerry Bold.

I decided a while ago that since my real world persona and my web persona will eventually converge into one i had two choices: A) to stop using internet as much as possible and feel paranoid all the time or B) to stop caring about what other people think and just be careful when it comes to financial transactions and