
@tavojimenez: Si, la verdad desconozco como esta el centro de San José u otras ciudades de CR pero si te puedo decir que el centro de San Salvador ya colapso y un cambio asi es necesario y urgente.

I have the feeling we are living in a sci-fi movie.

Aprendamos Salvadoreños! esto es lo que deberiamos hacer en el centro de San Salvador (sin las playas obvio)

Here in El Salvador they are selling it for $100 with an 18 months contract or $700 for the phone free of contract (but not unlocked, u can only use it with Claro) The iPhone 3GS goes for $300/18 month contract and u have to pay the same $75/month as the Xperia.

Looks awesome, now i have a really nice problem: to choose between iP4, an android phone or a WP7. Nokia and BlackBerry are history now, times are a changing.

If u really have an interest in learning then the internet is as good as any university, you can go to Harvard and if u don't want to learn you won't. you just have to set goals and do all you can to achieve them. (remember neither Gates or Jobs finished university studies)

I'm saving this article to my favorites. Really i loved it, i daytrade (or i try hahaha) and love tech and this merges both my passions into some kind of sci-fi plot, it's amazing thank you.

The high standard set by the magical death grip has been improved for the iPod touch 4, guys we've been working our butts off to achieve this high degree of signal attenuation and i think we nailed it: it gives you TWICE the signal degradation and now it doesn't matter whether you hold it with your left or right

All i'm saying is, if you want to invest your money based on a company's future performance —as you should BTW— rather than it's past performance...run don't walk away from this guys!! 'cause this Torch thing is awful.

And to think i was happy i bought some $10 headset from Klip Extreme, and now i see this and suddenly i feel sooooo cheap. anyway they sound good so i guess i'll keep them.

Now, a 7 inch iPad, that's something i would buy, as long as it is $400 0r less

@cPol: That's the sad part: Millions of people would buy them.

I know for a fact i was abducted by aliens when i was a child, also i have seen UFOs a couple of times. two books changed my point of view on life and religion as a kid: "Todos somos extraterrestres" (We All Are Aliens) i dont remember who wrote it and the other was a book by Erich Von Daniken "Prophet der

I love Autobianchis and i hope FIAT makes a new one someday

I have to say i would choose number 1. at the time i think it was the safest way to proceed and also, while it is sad what happened to the Japanese people (a culture which i admire and respect) you have to consider something: those hundreds of thousands of lives that were lost in Hiroshima and Nagasaki died not in

The story itself (the general idea) is not that hard to follow, but the details are so numerous and some of the are of great importance some might be irrelevant and other would depend on the viewer's perspective of the movie. I've seen just once and i enjoyed a lot however i went with my sis and was not able to pay

@bowen13: awesome, You are forgiven.

I have an idea for an invention!! I,m gonna call it "The Betamax" and i'll make million$$ with it. God, i'm a freaking genius.

@bowen13: Mr. Henriquez is no longer available to reply. we know who you are. we'll be seeing you soon....

@bowen13: And i know they are reading this, and i'm afraid, they know where i live. Please tell the world my story if something happens to me!!