
How about this one: "El Planeta Solitario" (actual tittle: "The best of Murray Leinster" 1978 by Random House Inc.)

And this one has a Morlock on the cover: "No es Terrestre" (Non E Terrestre 1970)

How about this one: "El Planeta Solitario" (actual tittle: "The best of Murray Leinster" 1978 by Random Hose Inc.)

@mikehenriquez: And yes I'm talking about a bird not an alien. I hate them i know they laugh at me 'cause i only have a 3GS and cable tv.

@bowen13: I know an owl that lives near my home and it has an iPhone 4 even though it hasn't been released here in El Salvador. Damn those owls and their super advanced technology. (also they have satellite TV)

Hasta que por fin algo de ciencia ficcion en español!! Ya era justo y necesario.

@Dresan: "in reality"? great comment!

Please, please let this be a REAL Godzilla movie!! the king of monsters deserve it.

@akacrash: Other than Thor only The Hulk can lift the hammer ¿am i right?

@jajbowler: Me too. really good article.

just a simple test


@Bill-Lee: It seems like i shouldn't have call your comment stupid and i apologize to you about it, however i do think your comment has absolutely nothing to do with anything we are discussing here and does not add anything to the thread, but then again thats just my point of view. keep up the good job.

@Charlie Jane Anders: Dear Ms Anders: i do apologize about my response to Bill-Lee and i will gladly rectify my comment directly with him, i know i didn't call him stupid but did qualified his comment as stupid so again i apologize about it. Let me point however that on this same thread i have been call an idiot by

@Charlie Jane Anders: I have not even answer any comment from you until this one. what do you mean i should cool down? have i said something wrong here? have i been disrespectful with anyone here? have i offended you in any way? please tell me and if i did i will be the first to acknowledge it and correct my mistake.

@Pessimippopotamus: Thats just speculation, you are just theorizing about something that could have happened with the perspective that looking back in time gives you. The fact is that there is no way you can prove what you just wrote while the fact that Nazis were defeated with the help of the US is -as i said- a

@f.holliman: Sir, excuse me but i am not a United States citizen (I am an american since the whole continent is called America) therefore i'm not trying to seek acknowledgement about something a fellow citizen of mine did in the past because i don't know of any Salvadorian who fought that war, in fact it's the

@dkl415: I,m not gonna argue with you about your comment simply because i don't know all the facts on the subject, i know little of the US independence history so i might end up saying something stupid and i don't want to, but i suppose someone else will answer your comment. Sorry.

@SinisterBill is waiting for you, in the test chamber: offensive how? i agree with your comments but i just don't see why you would categorize my comment as offensive to anyone? Dude i'm entitled to have a point of view about any matter, i may agree or disagree but i try my best not to offend other people. what i have