
@FabDex: yeah it's funny but please don't let that stop you from trying ok? give it your best

@Bill-Lee: Damn that's the most stupid reply here, i mean everyone has a point of view that i respect even if i don't share and we express it in a respectful an intelligent way and then you come with this kind of comment? all you could do was criticize my profile picture? God what have i done to deserve this?

@Lana Van Reenen: maybe you should read a history book yourself, at the time they were not "the russians" as you say, they were SOVIETS ¿get it?

@Captain_Tripps: You are missing the point, i'm not saying Europeans didnt fight the war and of course i'm not denying the soviets, what i said is that in great part thanks to the US economic and military support the war was won in europe and the pacific that's a fact that can't be denied. of course the frensh and the

@Inphoarius: Sorry i donn't get your comment. what do you mean?

@syafiqjabar of Mars: mmm...I don''t get it, i never said Europeans never fought the war, all i'm saying is that without the help of the US (symbolized here as Captain America) they would have lost. The problem is the average European of today forgets all this help from the US during the war and after the war (The

Captain America will be a good way to remind europeans who's their daddy! and also to remind them why they have the freedom they enjoy today. (of course i'm not saying CA actually fought WWII he is just symbolic)

@comrade_leviathan: Best comment!! i was thinking somethig a bit similar but couldn't find the words to write in english but your comment is great, very good line of thought dude.

@Starwatcher: Do you have the name of the story? sounds interesting

@LoboStele: The comment @Srynerson applies here too!!

@Srynerson: man!! i envy you dude, hopefully it's just a few weeks away. on the otherhand i'm sure there should available copies downtown for me to buy but i want to see it first on a cinema screen

@Tyrunn: El Salvador, Central America. Sometimes movies open the same day here sometimes we have to wait months and sometimes they never open.

@Tyrunn: I am needing to/wanting to!! maybe it',ll come here next month (hope so)

knowing myself i'll see both of them but inception i'll see twice (at least)

@manimatr0n: Yeah i know, but also the whole aesthetic of the show was weird for me. I can't put my finger on what exactly was the problem but i never did really enjoy it. Maybe (just maybe) it had something to do with the fact that after G Force the next show was Mazinger Z and i was always waiting for GF to end so

try the nokia hand shake

it was called Fuerza G (G Force in latin america) and was never one of my favorites

I Read this novel when i was 12 i think (it was in spanish "los propios dioses") and it was very hard for me to keep reading through the first part 'cause it felt a bit slow paced but once you get into the rhythm of it you end up turning page after page nonstop. I enjoyed a lot and i guess if i read it back today i

No visible brush-strokes in 40 layers of pain half a human hair in thickness? and this was made about 500 years ago. Just amazing.