
@comicbookguy: but everything looks so plastic!! the armors look as if they bought them on a toys r us

@Beall49: exactly! and i have faith that now that Marvel is in control (or Disney) they will do a better job, but for the pictures of Thor that are being leaked i feel the movie will not be a good one. i said it before, i hope i'm wrong

@Cú Chulainn (Xeraphim): Best comment so far from anyone: Spawn is a B+ or an A- . well thought man, hope @lightbourn agrees

@Lightbourn: just my personal opinion dude! all i'm saying is everybody knows who Captain America is but not everyone knows who Spawn is. i Just called my mom (she is 60) and asked her if she remembers any of them and she described me CA over the phone (shield and everything) but has no idea who the hell Spawn is.

@Cú Chulainn (Xeraphim): All right, lets take The Thing out of the A-List but i still don't know about Spawn...... and even though the movie was not so good, when it came out it was ok (time gives us perspective doesn't it?) and we have to admit that it helped revive the comic based movies genre, but A-List? don't

@nickcruz: He is not. just do this little experiment: ask ur mom or dad or anyone u know who doesn't give a crap about comic's superheroes the real name of Superman, Batman, Spiderman or Hulk, chances are they know those names, they are bigger than just the comics, now ask any of them the human name of Thor and i'm

@CowZ: hahahaha and the food network!

Now playing

@Cú Chulainn (Xeraphim): Yep, agree with you on Wonderwoman, i accept i forgot about her and thats a mistake. But about the Thing.....Dude he is an A-Lister all the way!!

@Nell_fersher: !!!!!¿¿¿¿¿?????!!!!!! you mean Supergirl or WonderWoman or really Superwoman?? anyway, of all three of them WonderWoman is an A-Lister but not one of the top 3 (of course thats only my humble opinion) Supergirl is B-Lister (right there with some sidekicks) and Superwoman would be a C or a D (at most)

@Tetsuooooooo: yeah, i know what u mean, all i'm sayin is Thor is not such a great character and thats why i think they will not make a movie as good as iron Man with him. i Think he'll be a secondary character (perhaps with even less screen time than the Black Widow) in the Avengers movie. I hope i'm wrong but i

@Zonky: Yeah i know, thats why i said marvel based instead of marvel produced. I know rebooting a character sucks but sometimes you have to cut your loses, both F4 movies were crap and the characters (specially The Thing) deserve a real movie and i hope marvel can produce a good one (remember they have Mickey's money

A-List comic celebrities: Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Captain America, The Thing, IronMan, Wolverine, Hulk, Flash (maybe) and Green Lantern (maybe).

MARVEL based movies are like this, some of them rock and some of the suck. Spiderman 1 rocks, SM3 sucks. Banna's Hulk sucks, Norton's Hulk Rocks, Fantastic 4 both of them suck., Iron Man both of them rock. My point is that it will not be a surprise if Thor SUCKS BIG TIME, and honestly it's not as if he is the most

I broke a 2 week old BlackBerry on a Hulk-Nerd-Rage-Rampage. But i know everyone here agrees it deserved it....DON'T YOU? DON'T YOU?

Looks amazing, diggin the kickstand however as pointed in the article, some buttons are actually necessary: volume, mute just like (gasp) the iPhone. but the design itself is better. i'd buy it even without the kickstand.

"As seen through the Eye of Thundera, and we are giving away a Sword of Omens with each" ....Lion-O is gonna sue the hell out of this guys.

@Mootacoo: hahaha i know! i wish it wasn't true but it is. I'm trying to change!

@Lyokowarirtitan: dude, i know and i'm sorry it's just that i was mad as hell so sorry again!

Nice article. Now i need a cup of coffee so excuse me...

@Lyokowarirtitan: well i have had wintel machines of all kinds and eras and i think i handle myself very well when it comes to using them (HW and SW) but it's just a matter of how much can someone tolerate using software that is simply problematic and poorly designed. as i said im not switching tomorrow, firstly