
@Lyokowarirtitan: I've tried believe me but i just cant tolerate this anymore, of course i wont switch tomorrow 'cause i dont have money to go out and spend a few thousand bucks to change my equipment overnight but mark my words MS: slowly but surely i will replace all my computers (5 of them at home) with Apple ones

I just sent this email to the Windows Live Team: Guys, im sorry but this is the worst experience i’ve ever suffered from any software company i was trying to make a simple movie using movie maker and it was a still movie, 6 minutes long JUST 1 PICTURE! 3 AUDIO FILES (ABOUT 2.5 MB EACH) AND 6 LINES OF TEXT , so if i

Third Paty: CNBC RT and Facebook

@despisethesun: 2 years! thats how long i lasted and ur right: you don't need to know much about computers you only need to have the willingness to be verbally abused 6 out of every 10 calls, but after a few months u get used to it. ¿sad isn't it?

@AWood1984: No i wont, thats against the rules according to the Dell's safety department Employee Safety Handbook for North American Facilities

I know nothing about computers, NOTHING AT ALL. And i can prove it: i used to work at Dell (tech support). Really.

@koolpin: eyePhone-iPhone i honestly don't believe you don't see a connection.

i was expecting a dark blue spot to be located in the bermuda triangle! too many sci-fi books i guess, anyway is a great picture.

@eCommArchitect: Thanks, i was wondering what the real implications where but you made it really clear for me.

@thechansen: i Think you are me! had a curve for 2 weeks and threw it away, it was the worst phone i've ever had.

Russia (or the Soviet Union) already tried this experiment during the 60's but with a different subject instead of tech, they tried to replicate the talent of futbol (soccer) superstar Garrincha and to create a super national team for the USSR to dominate international competitions so they handpicked many children all

I'd love to try out an Android device, ANY Android device, however here in El Salvador there is nothing available. It's a shame.

How much does this thing costs? 'cause i live in El Salvador and here i can get a great handmade hamaca (hammock) that does the same thing for about $50. of course my hamaca has no NASA technology but it works great and needs no tech support....ever.

We are gettin closer to HAL 9000. I'm yet to decide how i want to be killed by robots and it seems like i'm running out of time.

Shame on you Steve. Go Giz!