I might as well say it before the greys do: the person who killed Jackson was deported twice from the country and undocumented. Regardless: the death was senseless and the loss of life much too soon.
I might as well say it before the greys do: the person who killed Jackson was deported twice from the country and undocumented. Regardless: the death was senseless and the loss of life much too soon.
“Damn it, Philly we better than this.”
Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.
Sounds good. Guys and Gals, please don’t bash Rodney Anderson.
I think he should be lauded. Instead of talking sex to people on his payroll for their work, he’s discussing their work to people who get paid for sex.
Maybe don’t get blown out by Iowa for one of your two losses next time?
He should, because he fucked this guy.
Jeter gift basket jokes are so old, Roy Moore doesn’t even notice them while walking through the mall.
By way of comparison, NBC only let one employee go today.
Nice timing, Skipper. Happy holidays.
“And he doesn’t think esports are ‘sports.’”
I don’t think competitive gaming is a sport and more than pro chess, shogi, poker, MTG, Hearthstone or anything similar. And it isn’t because I fell in between the mid 90's blip Quake caused and what we have now and missed out on some sweet sweet money. It’s just that they are all GAMES! Games you need skill for and…
weird the rest of us fucked Bob Taft (Senior) in that barn don’t know how you missed out
I dunno. I once got crabs in a motel in Arizona.
Here’s the thing I don’t get — as a Patriots fan, and one who loves Marty.
[gunner in your CivPro class furiously masturbates]
I’m just worried about the sex robots. Worried that I’ll die before they’re created.
I....would have been extremely stupid.
“You stole that from me, too.” — Kenyon Martin