
excellent. enjoy your free GB from me and thanks. I've needed a larger amount than what dropbox gave me.

I'm good unless they drop a Tsar on Lincoln in which case I have head to toe 2nd degree burns. Overall, I'm probably ok though cause they'd probably leave lincoln alone to go after Omaha/Offutt. The strange benefits of living close to USSTRATCOM without being within the blast radius.

I'm good unless they drop a Tsar on Lincoln in which case I have head to toe 2nd degree burns. Overall, I'm probably ok though cause they'd probably leave lincoln alone to go after Omaha/Offutt. The strange benefits of living close to USSTRATCOM without being within the blast radius.

The giant vibrator? My three year old loves him but I can never get the image of a vibrator out of my head when that show comes on.

dude, you totally need to hook me up with whoever you buy your drugs from

I recently switched away from utorrent to vuze on my home server just to make streaming to the 360 easier because I've never been able to get my 360 and server to work right with each other using WMC and vuze's integrated dlna server works like a charm. still use utorrent on the gaming rig and laptop for non

Yeah it was back in September of 07. They told us at the time it was still fairly new and we were the fifth or sixth flight to use it.

Air Force in September of 07. My flight was like the last one to get BDUs instead of ABUs.

We used a similar device when being issued our BDUs during Basic Training at Lackland. It measured everything and spat out a sheet with measurements for the supply guys to match to the actual BDU sizes. Thing even measured our head so they knew what hat to give us. Not that they had hats that fit my ginormous head.

Thats not really something you have to worry about. I live in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska and if my heater broke I'd just put on more clothes. Houses up here are better insulated than in warmer climes.

you can throw a snowball 120 feet? Color me impressed. They just break up on me when I try to through further than 15 ft.

I've personally seen both Oscar Meyer weiners and Ball Park franks get made and still love them as much as ever. But I just don't really care about it. I come from the camp of enjoy your life instead of doing everything in your power to extend it and I love hot dogs so I eat them no matter how bad they are for me or

Ok that makes sense. I learned during Tony's prime so sometimes I forget that skating wasn't always about a ramp, some rails, and a board.

No offense but if you can't ollie you didn't teach yourself much. Or do you mean you just can't do a straight ollie but have to flip it?

Can't tell if baby is cute naturally or just because he's wearing a Trek bib.

No. While dirt is traditionally preferred and it is mentioned in the rulebook there is a lot of leeway regarding the running paths and usage of dirt in the infield. Even in the MLB some parks that use artificial turf only put dirt around the bases, mound, and batters area.

Thats the default ringtone for the majority of notifications on Droid 2, X, 3, and most likely X2 as well

Here's a pdf of the story that was released on reddit for easier reading:

Yes. If you remove your cuffs they are allowed to take it as resisting arrest and they can use non-lethal force. Generally they will just call you an idiot and recuff you but if you dont behave after getting them off they will take you down. Not sure about bean bag rounds. My grandpa's never been trained for them

I can verify through my Sheriff's Deputy grandfather it is very illegal to remove police handcuffs yourself. If you do you will get charged with resisting arrest and either tasered or manually detained quite forcefully.