
I'm having the same issue

What about the game rentals though? I was kinda interested in Qwikster purely so I can get rid of GameFly and only have one bill for my entertainment needs.

correct sir. third novel featuring dirk pitt by clive cussler. incidentally one of my favorite pitt novels.

BIE is the reason i first made a fark account.

my god that just took up an hour of my workday. wish i knew about fark back then so I could say i posted in that.

Am I the only one who calls it a cell phone because a mobile phone was the cordless landline i had as a kid?

meh. if they ban them I'll just go to the bathroom and take a few drags on my e-cig. Southwest bans them anyways and my flight attendant mom told me her and a few of her smoker coworkers use the bathroom for a couple e-cig hits when they need them.

Ok that genuinely made me laugh. heart for you

since when is kansas in the southwest?

totally did a whois to check that and it does show it was registered today. im impressed.

I can attest to the former being 100% true. I am trying to get better though.

Sure you can: $18 million per year with a total of $48.5 million guaranteed over four years

Because the team owners aren't as cool as Robert Kraft who financed 100% of the construction cost of Gillette Stadium(New England Patriots/Revolution)

except here in the midwest or in many southeaster states. my point was it would make more sense to partner with a nationwide chain with stores in at least every state versus a convenience store that ignores the midwest and southeast. or build some here cause i want some slurpees damnit

Amateurs. I'd post what they should be smoking but I really dont want that history on my work machine.

I totally came to this article just to espouse the facts that the reason it takes so much energy is because we have to hide it. If I wasn't scared my neighbors in my tiny little town of 200 people would notice I'd grow a few plants outside.

See, I hear such horror stories about Walmart and I've never had an issue. Admittedly I don't buy clothes I have to try on at Walmart so I've never used the changing rooms but in my experience Walmart is a fine retailer. I do admit I wouldn't shop there as often as I do if I could find the same prices in other

Why 7-11 though? Why not say Walgreen's or *gasp* Walmart? Both have more space for something like this and both are easier to find nationwide. I know, the hipsters would probably faint at the idea of walking into a Walmart but it still makes more sense.

Just make them share their weed in return for room and board. That's what I did and he was gone after a couple weeks.

ABU's still hold up better than the old BDU's we were issued in basic.