
Scenario A: You frequently travel outside of the country, so to cut costs you sign a contract with AT&T to have a GSM phone you can use outside of the country. About 4 months go by and you realize you are extremely dissatisfied with their service while in the states. You call and complain. What incentive do they

Thank god I'm not the only person who realized this is anti-competitive. AT&T if it bought TMo would be the only GSM player in the game and with so much spectrum it just wouldn't be fair.

Finds out you have to go to Cupertino for work and hands you 5000 bucks in cash while telling you, "If you see any unrecognizable smartphones for sale, buy them with this."

Oh I agree wholeheartedly. The Macintosh is the most revolutionary device in the last thirty odd years but to claim "It was no less revolutionary to publishing than the Gutenberg printing press." is just plain untrue. It was far less revolutionary.

And the Mac fell from the tree started with Gutenberg. Without the Gutenberg modern society just wouldn't be possible. Sure, if Gutenberg hadn't invented his press someone else would have eventually I'm sure but the printing press is what allowed society to move away from uneducated masses and a slightly educated

"It was no less revolutionary to publishing than the Gutenberg printing press."

To be fair I dont recall claiming to be sane. My wife yells at me all the time cause she says I'm gross because I refuse to avoid germs. Yet she is sick every other month it seems and I get sick maybe twice a year.

All three of those activities happen before I go eat wings at hooters or b dubs and i lick my fingers afterwards. Whats the difference?

that is a creepy fucking spider

Why? Unless you pass out your phone to people, what could possibly be on your phone that's not already in your environment and body? Its a very personal device that is only touched by me, my wife, or my kids.

Sure why not? I fully trust my body to fight off anything that may get to me. I'm a firm believer in the usage of my immune system. Germ avoidance is one of the stupidest ideas of this generation. The immune system is only improved with practice. Also, do you wash your hands every time you touch your phone? Do

I just lick my phone a bit and rub it on some sort of cloth. work wonders.

Did y'all really have to go find a little javascript to blink that text? No one in the Giz offices knows enough js to make their own or use HTML5?

its not a cell phone. if you look really closely you can see his hand wrapped around what looks like a white corded handset like what you might see attached to the landline in an office briefing. Its hard to see and I couldn't tell it was a landline handset without taking off my glasses and looking really close

looks to me like bowtie guy is talking on a phone too.

What if you bank with an out of state bank? I bank with USAA and I live in Nebraska the only USAA branch I'm aware of is in San Antonio Texas

I hate the outmoded "Satellite doesn't work when its overcast!" bullshit. I live in Panama, Nebraska, about twenty minutes south southeast of Lincoln, so pretty much in the middle of nowhere. I have DirecTV. DirecTV requires me to have a HD dish and receiver to make sure the signal has enough power behind it(I have

meh. I'm sure we know how to defeat any of the technologies found in the tail rotor. I mean its still a chopper so its not like the B2 where the only chance of detecting it is radar.

My hangover cure, The Vegas Bomb:

Yay, I'm not the only Trek geek. I was gonna say the same thing