
looks like the SharkShield would be great integrated into a surfboard.

You missed the point. The point was she did it peacefully and with dignity. The woman mentioned in the article did it aggressively and completely devoid of dignity. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of civil disobedience as a means to change policy but what this woman did was not the way to go about it and is in no

lol. That was my first reaction too but after she got mad at me(and stopped doing it for a little while) a few times for not following through I believe her now.

Yeah... Um no. Rosa Parks peacefully protested segregation(which was based on the color of her skin) by sitting where she wanted to on a bus without violating anyone else's rights. This woman protested TSA security procedures(which is based in public safety however misguided) by sexually assaulting someone by

My wife respectfully disagrees, she asks every time before a BJ if I think I'll ejaculate and if I say no she won't do it or do it reluctantly and if I say yes and don't, I don't get them for a bit.

I have the Slacker Ultra Premium or whatever they call it that is a Spotify clone and I've tried spotify in the past and in my experience they are the same. I just stick with slacker cause I billed it to my Verizon account inside the app so it makes life easier.

why bother with peerblock if your using a public wifi? its not like the coffee shop tagging your mac to an ip address.

"(Be sure and click "Read More" on the Storify embed to view them all.)"

Excellent point. My choice of words was probably poor. When I say I showed the guy my weapon I meant I unholstered it and removed safety while keeping it pointed at the ground so I was prepared to defend myself if necessary not just to "flash" it and hope the confrontation deescalated. Also, even if you feel the

You right that wasn't good judgement. That was AMAZING judgement.

viruses aren't hard to write. If they had examined the computer systems to the point they identified the shield controls and i/o it would be fairly simple to shut down the shields and prevent any input from the operator.

how does one find one's user number on Kong? or if your generous, look up mikehart and tell me what mine is.

Hawk just has a massive skatepark in his backyard, he also has a wife and I think a few kids so its not really the best option for family friendly house. Not only that but Hawk is more of a vert skater and vert doesn't translate the best with ceilings.

No Manning is an American traitor. Under no circumstances is it OK for a member of the armed forces, civil service civilians, or anyone else to release classified information to a third party without 2 requirements, security clearance appropriate to the information AND a need to know, with one exception. That one and

d'oh! didn't even catch the double negative until the fourth or fifth read too. so i was/am high, leave me alone.