
Why won't he let someone stoned not get a tattoo? Getting high won't affect your judgement to the point you'll regret a tattoo when you sober up.

Option 8: Find a reputable local gun store that provides lessons in proper use of handguns and get a concealed carry permit. Then buy a gun. 9mm is probably the sweet spot for personal defense but you could probably get away with a .22 if the gun looks scary enough. I've had to show my .45 once to a would-be

Your right I wouldn't be able to convince you one way or the other. But as a former USAF airman I gotta root for my guys. Also, in terms of a pure acrobatics team i gotta hand it to the Angels cause they do some amazing shit, but the 'Birds are just cooler in general because of their combat ability.

I want it. I rotate between Madden, Halo, CoD:BO, and a different game regularly. I'll play Madden randomly for a football fix, halo for multiplayer with buddies, cod for xbox live fun, and whatever other game has my attention at the moment so for someone like me who replays multiple games on a regular basis its

but is it a dugout too? cause if it only holds a bat you still have to carry around a bag or a dugout and most dugouts have a hole to store the bat and you can just put the bat in a baggie with your weed so i fail to see the benefits without a dugout attached. although i do see the benefits for a spliff or blunt.

Not quite. The Thunderbirds are the best cause they can be easily modified to be used as frontline combat assets unlike the angels or the arrows.

Thunderbirds > Blue Angels.

I do that way too often. Anytime I use a SCO and I have soda or dog food under the cart I forget to scan it. I've probably accidentally stolen 100 bucks worth of crap from Baker's because of that.

Im trying to remember if I ever played Halo 2 alot with a guy named Josh now. I become a madman on FPS when I smoke. I remember back when I played CS:S competitively with some buddies as a clan they all pitched in to buy me a gas mask bong and a half or so before one of our bigger tourneys just so I was top of my

Mind listing that or linking a newegg wishlist? I've been wanting to build a cheap HTPC and if it can outperform a PS3 then that price would be perfect I'm just too lazy to do too much research.

Really Gizmodo commenters? I have to do it? So be it.

If I recall my research properly they were laid face up not face down so they could be given their admittedly small water rations from a ladle. Its hard to ladle water to someone lying face down.

Nine times out of ten its not the dog that needs training but the human. The key to controlling a powerful dog is exercise, discipline, and affection. Dogs are extremely active animals naturally and without proper exercise dogs will expend their bottled up energy when they get the slightest opportunity and is often

"That's why I told you "touch nothing". But you're bunch of cowboys!"

What is this "ironing" you speak of? Ohhhhh, you mean the nice Korean ladies(that could starch a pair of pants well enough to lean against a wall) I used to bring my uniforms to when I was in the Air Force. No wait, I think they are called dry cleaners. Also, business casual means never having to iron, just a quick

I'm pretty sure if you showed up to PT in crocs they would chew you out worse than they would for fivefingers

Le sigh for not being able to handle my Eris anymore and upgrading a few months ago to the Droid 2 if only I could have waited... Even without LTE I want it. Verizon doesn't have any plans for Lincoln as of yet. Only Omaha so it doesn't do me much good to have LTE right now or for the next year at least.

Don't go for a walk in Lincoln NE then. I have seen multiple kids lemonade stands that have visa and mastercard logos drawn on them so I stopped once, asked about the logos, and the little 10 year old whipped out a droid and a Square reader. I bought some lemonade.

Out of curiosity, how do businesses handle people looking to get a job but have a medical marijuana license? Do they allow you to have it in your system during urine tests if you have a prescription? If they do, do they allow you to smoke at work? I ask because I have chronic pain from a knee injury when I was in