
I know. The guy can't seem to catch a brake.

For christsakes he's is just pointing out a common design element. He is not saying flying on an airplane is like being on a slave ship.

fighting wise it would probably be a stalemate. they can't see each other on radar so that leaves visual only dogfighting and at those speeds that would be very very very difficult. however i do believe the f-35 does not have thrust vectoring so the f-22 would probably edge it out because of maneuverability.

THANK GOD they included a number row. I hate typing un/pw in on my droid 2 and having to use the alt key. its maddening. Also, score for gingerbread on droid 2

After reading the title I was scared to read the article. Glad it wasn't what I thought.

Condoms? Why? Six months till the earths gone. Why bother with condoms?

@G3mpi3: My 24" bong. It is a fairly heavy piece of glass that can probably be used as a club for a few of them until I can get at my wooden bat in the closet. If it breaks too quickly I suppose the stone ashtray could be used but it would be a little too close combat for zombie killing.

@stavosws6: I would imagine the distance was done in a similar way to displaying the holographic people. A forcefield would be projected and a holographic image placed into it. That was never explored in the shows or in any of the technical manuals.

@prometheus_303: not really. LCARS is a user interface not a physical data retriever.

But it wouldn't be a tricorder. The word tricorder is used to represent the three modes the device can be placed in(GEO, geological; MET, meteorological; and BIO, biological) and recorder. As in it can record three different modes of data.

@abj18: Keep in mind the medical tricorder is the same as as a standard tricorder except includes a detachable higher sensitivity scanner.

@Dezerus Richardson: Large Double Quarter Pounder Meal was my lunch every day for a year. Although I admit I'm a fatty.

Are they available for water beds? Nothing says brownchicken browncow like a water bed and "performance" sheets.

Personal Attacks: Disagreement with a post is seemingly only acceptable as long as you maintain at least a popular alternate view. At least in my experience that is true as I was destarred for my take on a particular article that is very, shall we say, "alternative." Not that I'm bitter or anything.

@DennyCraneDennyCraneDennyCrane: I so want to register as a third party but I just cant bring myself to do it. I just feel like I'd waste the opportunity to get someone I might actually want to vote for as the nomination for a party that might actually win.

@infernalcolonel: Sunday night HBO being Game of Thrones? Best thing to happen to high fantasy film since LoTR

@Unspellable: I was thinking high not creepy. He looks like he just took a couple bong rips and just let the last of the smoke out.

@mrsilver: This. This is what I did when I built my rig. I picked up the i7 860(i think? cant recall the exact model) because it was in that group of 10-20 bucks more for each higher grade but it wasnt quite the top. I just chose it because it had better overclocking abilities from what i had read.

@mrsilver: Thats a size issue though and not a 1080p issue. On my 73" DLP the difference between the 720p broadcast and a 1080p movie are very noticeable and worth the file size increase.