
I really think Stern missed a great opportunity to get the look and feel of the movie right. I mean Legacy wasn't exactly a brightly lit and brightly colored world but the table is. It just doesn't match.

@Maave: Only if I get to keep their weed. Wicked drought up here in Nebraska right now.

@archercc: he is saying when your phone turns its screen off on its normal time out time the GPS loses its connection so you either have to A: turn your screen timeout to none or B: plug it in and have it set to not turn screen off while charging

@Irving94: cheaper than paying the bounty...

@shroomer: @shroomer: You and cr4ne both get +1 internets and a heart each for this exchange. Great job!

Is it just me or does Obama look like he is thinking to himself, "God damnit I wish I was there so I could stick my foot up his ass."

@slaw1: Bottom left is a Presidential Service Badge earned for one year of satisfactory service as a personal military advisor or aide to the President.

@bytemybits: Ummmm they didn't? Looks right to me. Although if your not around military members with their dress uniform on ever I could see someone saying it looks pixellated.

@whiteflea: Also, Windows disks are quite legal to download assuming you own a license and use your own serial. this is true for all software AFAIK. Also i believe it is legal to download movies you already own on a DVD but i could be mistaken.

@_GABO_: Well he did break down the fence that said something about a quarry didn't it? According to google maps there are a few quarries near Riverside...

Buy it now and be ready for next year

You gotta lose yourself in the moment.

Anyone know how any of this affects a DLP? I've noticed some slight image issues on fast moving objects sometimes and have wondered why.

HTC/Samsung/Microsoft are NOT doing this. Microsoft keeps only the single most recent location locally on the device and you can opt out of sending location info to them. HTC/Samsung/(Any other android device maker) don't do anything at all. Google's Android, on the other hand does do this but it only stores 200

@hitmonInfinity: Sounds less appealing to me as it sounds like they put a NEEDLE in the man parts. At least with a snip you get anesthetic.

@WAFFO: Geohot did not do any PSN hacking only PS3 firmware, unless I'm mistaken in which case someone please correct me, so you can't lay this one at his feet. There is a huge difference in hacking a devices firmware versus hacking into a secure network.