
@sbram: Oh come on what kind girl wouldn't go for the pick up line: "Wanna get high in my pirate ship?"

Oh thank god. Maybe now I can play Gemcraft: Labyrinth and not want to smash my beautiful free computer.

@texasbrownie.com: Not the last human flight to space. Not even the last shuttle mission. At least two more shuttles and after the final shuttle Soyuz will take over. We still gotta man the ISS.

Meh, I'm not too worried. Microsoft may play catch up 99% of the time but I always feel they do it better. While I doubt they will ever replace my android devices for portable media consumption devices(I don't equate Microsoft computing with anything highly portable yet) but a good Microsoft tablet that I can

@kagekiri: really you blame the developers?!?! look here little IT monkey, writing software is not as easy as IT support. you have to fix the problems a user causes. We have to anticipate and stop the problems a user can create. Which do you think is easier?

@dataPOG: no problem. got into an argument awhile back with my old supervisor about whether or not germany had nukes(he claimed they did I thought otherwise), researched it, and thought the idea of nuclear sharing was weird so its always kinda stuck with me.

Like maybe a sub $800 laptop from apple one day? Sign me up as long as it has an intel proc and I can put windows on it.

@MagicalTrev: Unless something has changed or im crazy Verizon unlimited only has a cap in the sense of they slow your throughput at 5gb.

Wow. Heated debates on here. Thought I'd chime in on my opinion:

@thechansen: You get a heart click for that. When I first saw my son in the 3D ultrasound they can do now, my first thought was, "If I saw that in the street and it was coming toward me I'd kill it with fire." Thankfully I never disclosed this thought to my then wife or she might have killed me.

"Helsinki. You fear to go into that city. The Finnish delved too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dûm. Shadow and Flame."

@Inky: Thats why i amended my username.

@whiteflea: Digital Clock Widget looks alot like this.

@dataPOG: Germany doesn't have nukes. They have the capability to produce enriched uranium but they don't own any nukes themselves. They are a part of the nuclear sharing concept as a part of NATO and have 60 tactical nukes provided by the US at their disposal, but until the US government approves their usage they

Well there goes any and all chances I'll have a productive spring/summer. Every Trek at my command? I hope I can do it in chronological order. Starting at TOS S1E1 and work my way through to Enterprise S4E22 would be epic. Although unfortunately I'm going to go out on a limb and say my wife probably won't sleep

I'm saddened to see there are more Angels and Demons references than Trek references. It makes me feel like I'm the old guy yelling for geek culture to get back to its roots. And I'm only 22!

@Curves_Classic_View: The following link contains a script that will redirect all gawker media sites to the uk version. This includes homepage and articles if you tab out articles of interest like me. It does sometime show the new layout for a second or two before it reloads to classic. If you wish to use it in

Also, after reading the post article. Ken is one hilarious dude. I love this quote:

"There's alot of you in Watson" is just a disturbing mental image after the article yesterday about Watson being the only Jeopardy! contestant Ken has "been inside"