
@Duergar are wimps but: Not sober. High? Yeah a few times. Not sober. Way too sweet and thick. Whipped icing I might try though.

@Spatula: But what about us "gamers" that have three kids and a wife to support? I own every console since the PS1(minus dreamcast. or was dreamcast before PS1. Dont remember. Anyways...) but the last handheld I owned was a Game Boy Color when I was in school. I don't really have a whole lot of money to spend on

And my family in Daytona wonder why Fark has a Florida tag.

@MrCheatachu: Ah hell. My bad that whole looking forward to lunch thing must interfere with my joke detector. Apologies.

@MrCheatachu: #correction? two pounds of weed for 6mil? do you just have to look at like a stem and your higher than you've ever been in your life or what?

@chorpie: Well except that wasn't the point of Watson. First of all there is not a robust enough voice recognition engine available as far as I'm aware that would allow Watson to be sure the clue was interpreted by the software properly. Secondly hearing words to a human being is similar to a computer being fed text

@shroomer: Really? Your not a programmer in any way are you? If you were you'd be able to understand the complexities required to write out the algorithms to a point that Watson can run and understand them. It may seem like all its doing is analyzing the question and doing word association to bridge the gap and

@im2fools: Oh buffet is totally the guy there

@AgentSmithAndWesson: Hearing from her is a hit or miss thing too. I was given "official" letter writing time once in six weeks. Other than that one time(which was like the end of week 3 right before warrior week) we would stay up past lights out and write in the latrine or in our beds with a shrouded flashlight so

@AgentSmithAndWesson: @AgentSmithAndWesson: Can they? Legally, I don't believe so. Does it happen? It did to me. It still works out ok though. My fiance at the time sent me one or two letters a day for the whole six weeks i was in BMT and some days i'd have like 4-6 letters. Those were big pick me ups at the

Hopefully she has a semi-decent TI and will actually get mail on V-Day. My TI was a bitch about mail and we only got mail if she decided we had earned it that day. Good Luck!

yeah cause I'm sure his boss would have been totally down with that idea. Oh and generally at work you have to manipulate something to get your work done.

Agreed. They need to modify the income shares model to be household income and not individual income. Although it would possibly cause issues with the noncustodial parent marrying someone who makes even more money cause then they just have to pay more and in my case that would be a problem. My current wife and I

Tennessee uses the income shares model for child support so if you don't work and make no money you can't owe child support. For instance when I got divorced my ex was unemployed and I make 38k a year. The combined AGI for the two of us was, naturally, 38k. At 38k Tennessee says the required amount for child

You can. If you renounce your parental rights(mother may have to approve. not sure) you no longer have to pay child support IIRC

I really don't like the title of this article. I pay Child Support to my ex wife in Tennessee and an app like this would be handier than the other option of using their stupid excel spreadsheet on their website. I've never been late on a payment and I never will. In fact I overpay her(by like 200 dollars) according

Why is everyone so amazed a nine year old has a cell phone? My eight year old has a cell phone. I can't see the video so I don't know what kind of phone he had but my son has a LG Cosmos feature phone thats locked down so he can only use it to text/call me, his mother, his grandmother, and a few other relatives.