Mike Hammerlock

Two types of people in this world. 1) People who say Jim Beaver of Deadwood. 2) People who say Jim Beaver of Supernatural. I'm the latter.

Just tossing out a possibility, what if Maeve gets outside the park and discovers there's nothing there?

Exactly. Too cool to care just jumped the shark.

He had to do do that because he needed to make his self-sustaining, global train line that could operate even in the depths of a nuclear winter. #EdHarrisProblems

I appreciated the bubbly version of "Black Hole Sun" coming out of the player piano.

He's a Great Bastard, and there's a lot of history on that, as there is with female claims and heirs down female lines being rejected. He's also the only male heir down the Targaryen line (that we know of). He has a penis and he's got direct male lineage. That's a strong claim. On top of that, Dany at least believes

Generally. That's how it worked with Blackfyre, Bloodraven and Bittersteel, though they were all legitimized by Aegon IV. Wars have been fought over such arguments, though there's never been a situation where a Great Bastard is the only male heir to the throne.

It does raise the question of how much of a bastard are you really if you're the son of the heir to the throne and the daughter of the eldest house in Westeros?

Traditionally only men fit into the line of succession, both in the World of Ice and Fire and in our world. Dany only gained a claim to the throne after Drogo killed her brother Viserys and there were no other male claimants. Jon comes directly from the eldest male lineage.

Finally unveiling R+L=J means we've also got competing claims for the crown on our hands. Jon's got the best claim down the traditional line of succession (unless A+J=T), but Dany's got dragons, and her new Dornish and Iron Islander allies aren't going to care about male lines of succession. One of the big questions

If, next season, Cersei isn't cradling Ser Pounce in her arms, Blowfeld style, that's going to be a real opportunity lost. Yes, she kept Tommen out of the sept, but she also didn't seem overly concerned his death. I think it's fair to say she wrote him off as too weak to survive after his trial by the seven

From a book reader perspective, Rickon represents the future of the direct Stark male line. Theoretically Sansa and Arya would take on another house's name if they plan on doing any breeding, unless they want to get all Dornish about things. Bran seems kind of busy with being the new three-eyed raven. That doesn't

Wind and gravity