
she makes a meal out of “Suck my dick”....

nailed it...lol


Hey Barlow, Nice Out

Mandyville, where Mandy checks in and a different Mandy checks out and then back in again.

I half expected Liam to wake up imperiled on busy train tracks, and why not? It would give No-Emmy Rossum a chance to come crashing back to the reality that Fiona’s neglected and pawned him off to his suddenly not as neglectful father all while neglecting to give him any credit or encouragement other than the

I share a lot of your frustration with this goddam show...it really needs to conclude...and yet I can’t seem to stop watching it. Ergo I must care what happens to these Gallaghers. The Deb toe scene had me squirming more than I can remember anything on this show doing that was sickening, what tops that? The loose

In some way, Burpface’s takes on Wilson remind me of Limbaugh’s McNabb fart takes of 2003...

there should only be penalty rags, which refs pull out of their asses

Too bad Charlie never got into self-harm, would have been good at it, fucking emo

Jerry shits bigger than Dan

Chance Harvey was funny, but I thought the rest of his contributions were pretty forced and cue-cardy...he’ll improve no doubt as he’s got something.

I shit a shit on top of a shit...the end.

if only that Geico commercial with the overexplaining douche ref at the restaurant could be assassinated too...fuck your fucking tater tots

“You sneezed inside of me.”

it was like a Rorschach of used toilet paper

Clunk Eastwood

aka Showerbear

Seth McFarlane is a cum toilet

what a fartdick