
I want him to buy some piano wire earbuds.

they are the angels now spared to avenge…ya

Kent knows only the ISLE of Misfit Toys.

"turn around!" and cover your ears

so she had him buried with his dick in his ass…nice option

just disable the grab hands

them nuggets eating each other’s ay-us

Big Bushy Bird

even Buffalo thinks so

Irv Blumkin….lol

far and away my favorite N64 game, multiplayer far-sight headshots forever....

The Dukakis Tank face is the bipartisan equivalent

none of those baptisms counted

some of that fart prolly condescended right into that water glass ya fart drinker...

His mom didn't get why he looks like lesbian Val Kilmer, maybe they should kiss on the lips again .

if you sold during the 2008 panic, you’re not one of those guys who didn’t panic

Steve Bannon and The Hemorrhoids

I guess her titty game was bananas

he stands in the on dick circle

She usually just alternative facts on the couch…