
"…You can touch my asshole"

"better take two"

her Owen Wilson is pretty lol

I keep expecting Lenny…er, the Holy Father, to reach out and pull that damn thing off his face in a mottle of gore with a black blood fountain.

Villaseñor's Owen Wilson face made me laugh pretty hard, surely they'll truck that out again?

Puff on what fell from a yak's ass Rob Schneider.

is it okay to shit in the shower in a Cinderella glass?

Even Pizza Rat wouldn’t want a slice...

...while buying up all the lard in Sam’s Club


the good kind, not the deathbed kind

I was saying it was the best one in the Star Wars because I hadn’t seen it...now I must see it...sounds awesome.


And what about the shit water that gets all stuck up in those diaphragmed plungers? You’d be slinging shit juice with every swing....

cum fritters?!! kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Sofa leather is more fart resistant than cloth by a mile and half, but ironically leather smells a little farty...

Debbie just about destroyed the hour for me such was the stupidity and inconsistency of her whatever… I thought it was sort of implied that Fiona didn't take the money as she deposited the check in the cat-food lady's account she'd previously ripped up, but there wasn't a receipt, not really necessary I don't think.

‘consistently good’

yep, and Adam never really saw what a booby trap it is, hell even Probst painted a target on his back for having it once that cat got out of the bag… The best thing he could have done is just slip it in somebody's stuff secretly for them to find, the chaos factor could have been sublime except that nitwit would

Taylor in his good bye still clinging to the delusion that nobody cared about him stealing food…haha….still kind of loved it when he was blowing Adam up at the tribal council, his joy in doing it and Adam's squirming was palpable and I was laughing my ass off, do not go quietly into that good night Tails…. Sunday