
Adam should have offered to give Taylor the steal a reward/piss someone off power in return for faux allegiance and/or intelligence (no way should he have trusted Taylor with anything, Adam is pretty naive that other people sometimes play the game too). Maybe Taylor takes it with visions of stealing someone's picnic

The brief scene of Carl giving the would-be hazer a beat down in front of the others and asking who's next made me hopeful that we'll be following his progress.

Lock him up

this is a horserace now, bet against the one you don’t want to win...leave philosophy in the stable...

Don't forget Black Gallagher… "Are ya ready to smash some frut?!"

True, they always try to edit to deceive the audience as much as possible…Bret reminded me initially of Georgie on the Sopranos for some reason, a bartender who repeatedly gets beat up by Tony… I don't know, just a real bada bing vibe to him….lol

wow, I would have never guessed that he actually did have that experience…he comes off as such a liar despite anything, the shruggy, nonchalant way he described the work was laughable…

I take your point that she was a loose cannon, that's why I gave the caveat 'pretty much', but it's true that she opened up to the ones that sent her home much more than any of the others sans Hannah, too much in fact. She presumed that she could work with them, but yeah she couldn't keep her mouth shut and was liable

Cirie can't possibly do anything more than she ever did, just sit around, eat and try to get others to vote each other out. Ozzy on the other hand has physical skills still I imagine, he's only 35. Maybe he's finally wised up enough to develop some sort of strategy, but I'm not holding my breath…

Perhaps, Michaela could have been potentially difficult to get out later in the individual game, and she was bound to turn on him sooner or later, but now he has a threat factor of his own to deal with. It's funny that I never thought Michaela would make it far with her attitude with the others and the bluntspeak

I think Jay is pretty wacky with the whole ice-cold "I did it…" at TC. I doubt that will be forgotten, and I sort of think he's just getting started. This guy is paranoid… He had Michaela pretty much in the palm of his hand and back-stabbed her anyway and made a show of it. I can't wait to see how it works out for

"It's moo motherfucker moo" right up there with classic Kev lines like "they call it the poophole loophole"…. How can you look at the same old Shame\ess intro played a hundred times and think Jimmy/Steve is not coming back eventually as he nails Fiona on the sink endlessly? What a gross bathroom… Liam prolly got

For a brief moment when he was first shown I thought it WAS Brad Dourif…Tobeck sort of has that Douriffy looking face, anyways was disappointed.

Yeah, that's the whole thing that's kind of ruining these "reality" games as they grow older isn't it? The fame of being one of the contestants is as lucrative if not more than actually winning the damn thing. It's not as bad on Survivor as say Big Brother which I can't even watch anymore really because it's just

I didn't say I hated her, but I very easily could if tried…to get romantically involved AT ALL is bad in this game now. It may have worked for Rob and Amber, but most people that play now have seen Survivor past and know that a power couple is and should be an instant target. I'm not even a Parvarti fan and really

I don't think I'm taking it too seriously…lol. I just have no respect for Figgy's game and don't think she could pick off a nit while grooming Taylor. I'd take that bet too, these youngsters are fickle at best and probably talk shit about each other now, I'm not even gonna find out. If Figgy even dreams about being

Things are rarely as lovely on Survivor as seeing a toothy and giggling Fuggy change to a frowny face in a split second…what an idiot as well as any showmancing moron at this point in the history of Survivor. Such a conceited turd is she to announce it like everybody should be happy for her "engagement" to equally

I agree completely with you about Fiona and the negligent guardian angle especially concerning stupid Debbie, deserving of at least mental anguish and some light torture, but in no way deserving of being made homeless along with the "not my problem" niece as if Fiona is some paragon of virtue and family values. It's

suffers a letter grade for no further Caitlyn lines… "She lookths like a donkey shit in her face!"