
She didn't ask anything though did she? It was a demand, and she doesn't want to be available to them either, she made that clear enough. I agree with her needing them to not be a hindrance to her, but as a family that I think wants to stick together, her approach was harsh. She'll soften up I think once they

Yeah, gotta admit that Lip is an idiot when it comes to sussing out the world around him and acting appropriately…but maybe he'll do like you said and rat out these rats he's changing pissbags for. I respect your prediction, but I think we're heading to a more positive ending for Lip where he doesn't become Frank 2,

Asking wouldn't be, but she placed herself in this matriarch position and now she wants to give out angry ultimatums? That doesn't fit her character does it? Maybe she'll soften this approach after she cools off about Lip. I'm encouraged that he will step up and really help her with the corralling of Ian and the

Yeah, I thought that was some selfish and needlessly cold bullshit for her to tell them to not call her either… Why did she work to keep the family together and keep the house and everything if that's really how she feels? I hate selfish Fiona!

Whether or not Fiona is capable of independent success without blowing herself up remains to be seen…there's little logically to suggest confidence in her as her track record of poor decisions has shown. Usually when Fiona wants "me time" it is for hedonistic purposes. She figured out how to feed her libido without

No obvious Ted Raimi/fruit cellar joke? Maybe got it saved up…

Just like the Blue, White and No Collar before it…trite tripe packaged for network consumption.

Was Fiona being honest re Frank wrecking her wedding to Junkie Sean? "He did me a favor." Why wouldn't she be truthful?, being married to a junkie sucks hairy balls I'd imagine. Was Kev just supplying reinforcement fodder to Lip and Ian by asking if they thought "in his own way is Frank a good father?" He clearly

it could be on any channel or even hearing him on the radio

might as well have checked for skid marks

Structurally, yeah you've got a point, and for me when the show centers around Fiona structurally, it's worse and sometimes even unwatchable in my non-condescending, subjective opinion. You dismissed my "off the cuff" remark like there was nothing there and my condescension sense started tingling, sorry! You spent a

I couldn't agree more even if I get a ruler broken over my head for saying so. I also think Emmy Rossum's Fiona is mediocre at best and works (oh my god, I hate myself for saying "works" like this) as a detached character and reactor to all the bullshit going on around her. I hate the show when it focuses on her,

Yes, it's so ridiculous to break out a "character slide rule" and "plot micrometer" and try to work out an elaborate exegesis for a show that has a few dramatic moments tossed in here and there, but is essentially profane, vulgar and disgusting and meant to be laughed at for the most part. It is what it is, and if

Sorry professor…I just don't see it that way. Every one of his traits, lousy and otherwise, shows up in his kids. But you know everything and are the one who decides what "works" and so on so there's no point arguing….I submit….. the show should have never had Frank to begin with, where the Gallaghers came from and

I'd prefer it if they'd kill off everybody BUT Frank. Lowell to all the people who try to see this show centered around anyone but Frank…

That poop story was shit, no punch line and shitty puns, fuck’m....

Those push on and off switches on the socket base are goddam garbage and require two hands to keep from knocking over the lamp, at least the one I have, can’t tell you how many times I’ve said goddam about that but it’s so many times you wouldn’t even notice.

it was Jesus

country shouldn’t even be on this list

Yelping no doubt led to this…it's like proto-trolling.