
I never got the whole “he’s intelligent” thing.... compared to most amphibians?

Aloof coaching and smiles all around despite a rolling brownout of incompetency seemed to be a theme, is the whole team on Zoloft?

“Awww, whasamatta? Did somebody hit you?” ~ Miller’s Crossing

It’s a telephone for speaking to God!

her dick looks like an asparagus

Det. Litter Box?

Dez nuts

for this team, the Bengals, I reserve the right to : Why Your Team Burps Come

for this Team, the Bengals, I reserve the right to : Why Your Team Burps Come

yeah, that guy had hot brown rain

hope he plays the brown note

wet fart got out of hand

The last ep was Mickey at his Mickiest, I hang on to this show too, sometimes it's pretty good. Hank Azaria's return has been entertaining….

Steelers rule. Eagles, not so much....

fucking pee sock....

what’s one little pop out? sheesh....

what about cupping?

yeah, did she ever pee? Does she still have to pee?

go home empty-handed Oscar night….

who says “chill pill”anymore?