
he's the best "sidedick" ever

I just left some chemtrails in the toilet.

I only believe crackpot theories when they’re in sensurround.

Yep, my bad. Thought of that a while after I posted, d’oh! Anyway with more classic N64 games being released all the time, it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to think that an N64 version would come out, if there were one, but alas. Presently having a retro-fest on DK 64 fwiw.

It’s on the Wii-U VC.

He went to Jizzy Buns.

"I am proud to be your son, brutha."

why couldn’t you just stay cool?

“If it’s all the same to you, I’ll drive that tank-ah.”

fuck him in the pussy

it just has to be worth listening to

"Hey Scalia, nice out."

I didn’t know whether to race or create feng shui...

who runs Barter Town?

I love trolling trolls. Sometimes they don’t notice what you’re doing for way too long... I know you shouldn’t feed them, but feeding them shit is so fun I can’t stop myself.

Depends Louie, look into them…. loved that whole sequence and the drama and suspense… It's like he has a time bomb strapped to him, and it's down to the last seconds, his poor girls are soon to be orphaned as the explosion nears. Away girls! Save yourselves!

So when they say “finish him” it could get confusing.

The NSA is coming.

"They call it the poop hole loop hole."