
should have went with the mixed doubles

Duane Barry says bring back Duane Barry

"Becozzzzth ahm allwees thnumphin oerrrrrrr."

I hate my spouse so much for using Kleenex in bed and then not throwing them away because lazy. I just hate her anyway, so no biggy.

Now we're never gonna know who to call......

What was it? Just curious.... I have long followed his career ever since Helter Skelter, which kind of ruined his chances of mainstream success so it seems, but I've never seen where he complained about it. The Stunt Man was probably his best role after Manson, and that was kind of a crazy, off-beat flick in its own

I was 12 when it aired and it was totally WTF? before we even knew WTF, WTF? was. I'd seen some hardcore movies for my age like "The Exorcist" et al being a huge horror fan, but this thing really freaked me out.

Railsback was better at playing Manson than Manson himself.

nobody said is would be cheep

Where's the saliva?

We know we belong to the land


Yes, I find his lack of faith disturbing...

"Should have let the Wookie win...."

"I am composed of farts."

"So, you want to pon farr?"


Awww! I had my mouth all set for her to go away so Root can quit all the pining….really distracting.

Chewbacca, Chewbacca, Chewbacca, spit

They should have went with Jenna Maroney from the sounds of it…