
More Decay

C'mere Janny!

I want to put that prork lube in them smelly beans.

"Bring it on down, to Poop Town!"

Leslie looked huge, she's big, no question, but she's only 6'. Kevin is 5'4" but he seemed extremely dwarfed. Was that the best acting of the night?

It was much more loaded than that, keep going…

Wow, Kevin Hart is really short.

Rodgers and Hammers who?

Blake Anderson's nonchalant delivery helped. BTW, I too want Ron Swanson to come watch us play video games while sitting quietly.

The 3-D tablet bugs are pretty nasty: "Give me your skin"

It's like it left a bad taste in somebody's mouth…

He's a feeling arranger and a changer of the ways he talks.

sounds pretty skimpy

What is the minimum amount of dicks to make a buffet?

nobody can suck the energy out of a show like that mughole

I wish Morgan would punch Kyra right in the snaggletooth, just one time.

The cockroaches were still about the same size...

"Amos Moses was a Cajun. He lived by himself in the swamp."

I want to go to there.