
Tom Waits own version of his "Way Down in the Hole" is just so stuck in mind it may never get out. It struck me as the perfect theme for "The Wire" and it never gets old, maybe because it was born old.

He's got his hand on that FAGS' ess.

Not that Fiona has ever been depicted as a goody two shoes, in fact she's prone to bad decisions, but labeling her a "fellow junkie" seems a bit much at least before all this transpired. Where and when could she not live without drugs and alcohol a la Frank? Anyway, the test to me would be whether or not Fiona screws

Kev pulling the gun on Mickey felt as ridiculously forced as Kev's later accidental shotgun blast in the house.

Yeah, that is a thing with them, but under the circumstances… I mean who was going to get revenge for Robbie?

Previews showed Fiona going back to jail for violating, a 90 day stint apparently as Lip says "89 more days" to her over the phone, but I bet she gets out sooner because of overcrowding. I guess I missed the purpose of the Van of Rolling Gypsies or whatever and where they were headed and why, although Sheboygan was

"... Danny Faulkner stated that "Creationists aren't even on the radar screen for them, they wouldn't even consider us plausible at all.""

That may have been a good strategy, but I can only imagine Probst saying "no tickling!" all arbitrary-like.

That reward challenge was not only brutal, but a bit reckless and potentially dangerous, ever have your face dragged through the sand? Loved it! Also loved the immunity challenge. There's just something about battering rams and boards splintering and breaking that says saucesome.

Well I was mothercunting cunted and acting cuntish to the cunty cunt, so what do you cunt from me?

Chuck laughs at farts.

I wish Jebidiah Adkinson wrote recaps for SNL here, but I never get what I want. Things that made laugh: "I'm Ellen" couch gymnastics and Jay Pharoah's voice, face and eye control when doing Shaq (it's like a self-inflicted seizure). The bible birds thing was bizarre enough, but needed extra seasoning. Pretty crappy

Based on performance alone, I would have given it to Kostner, she was radiant, but you're right about how these things are scored and the levels of difficulty so no fix necessary for Sotnikova to win.

best. poop. ever.

Must. Poop. Now.

"I wunt you to fit your pipe roit into..."

Finally figured it out... the hat is used to cover up the giant passive aggressive dick growing out of his skull.

"I'm a gonna win!"

I told them not to hire him.

Katy was all breathy-breathy like that would cover up for something, really terrible, agreed there. And yes ANarcissist Keys was just miserably self-indulgent, which is disrespectful to the material when you think about it. At least John Legend had the class to sing it straight and pretty well. He should have done