
I would have been down for that.

Yeah, I didn't mean to infer that all the old guard completely take over the tribute, that would have been tiresome. And I thought Adam Levine was supposed to be a singer's singer or whatever because The Voice (which I never watch) but he sounded just a tad flat and unprepared for this, "Ticket to Ride" especially was

A little bit surprised at the lack of forefathers, contemporaries and collaborators. Was Eric Clapton even asked for instance? And Bob Dylan, now that he's not mumbling anymore, would have been nice to hear from. I wouldn't expect Chuck Berry to show up, but Little Richard might have given his love of Paul especially,

It was a good rendition, but I wish it had featured the bass part a lot more, the bouncy, bombastic center of the song, Grohl even mentioned it prior to playing, but it was pushed more off into the background in favor of the guitars.

"I guess they don't like fake Pink Floyd."

As pointed out before, this vintage photo of Rodnina when she was sporting her muttonchops:

"I shertainly she noshing wrong with shit."

you can have the half a commode that isn't there

but if he puts the red hat on you best break out

I think that's for dog corpses.

"Hey Bubs, how'd you get to Sochi?"

Gotta be really half-assed to use this toilet.

Behold Hockeris giganticus !

Melissa's wire act was pretty awesome, whomp whomp!

'round the corner fudge is made

The Poop Tube

Nice stunts, particularly enjoyed Britta's aerial assault on the bubble.

"I'm a-Luigi, number one!"

Cross the plate, cross yourself at the plate, don't get it over the plate, corner the plate market, George Will George Will Omaha George Will!

"Queeck, les swap shoe-zay!"