
Bradshaw skidmarks


You do a disservice to all the things Alabama and Mississippi have done to mend fences, like the Morbidly Obese Olympics for instance...

da balls...

Momp and Meep Meep Meep

I don't think they can kill that cockroach. He'll only drink the Raid! I sense some sort of liver transplant scheme for him so he can start ruining another one. Where would the show be without Frank?

Why didn't Frank just boof the Old Style like the wine? Spraying Pam down your throat? Really?

So does this mean he can now vote for Pete Rose?

he missed the mark like when he maaade Pearl Harbor

I want sniffing poop Jake!

He was also saying it in his Christopher Walken voice right?

"That's some high quality H2O."

"so when I fart my dick gets hard..."

a man

a woman

"Yodel-lay hee douche!"

I fiixed it.

The nanosecond I saw Kristin Muug had invaded the show, I just knew it was going to be sub-par and tiresome. It's a pity that SNL feels it has to resort to "the cameo-show" just when the new bunch seemed to be gaining some momentum. It was like Bill Brasky had shown up and taken a giant self-indulgent dump in front of

looks like Mooblocks t'me