
@Dreamwriter: which is what made it so freaking hysterical

@Thevic: Agreed to a point. People should drive safely. What the means is completely subjective to the individual. Some people can concentrate better than others, some people have good multitasking skills, and some people are just bad drivers. So essentially, in my opinion, if a person can clip their toe nails,

@Thevic: Agreed to a point. People should drive safely. What the means is completely subjective to the individual. Some people can concentrate better than others, some people have good multitasking skills, and some people are just bad drivers. So essentially, in my opinion, if a person can clip their toe nails,

@Thevic: Agreed to a point. People should drive safely. What the means is completely subjective to the individual. Some people can concentrate better than others, some people have good multitasking skills, and some people are just bad drivers. So essentially, in my opinion, if a person can clip their toe nails,

@Thevic: Agreed to a point. People should drive safely. What the means is completely subjective to the individual. Some people can concentrate better than others, some people have good multitasking skills, and some people are just bad drivers. So essentially, in my opinion, if a person can clip their toe nails,

@Thevic: Agreed to a point. People should drive safely. What the means is completely subjective to the individual. Some people can concentrate better than others, some people have good multitasking skills, and some people are just bad drivers. So essentially, in my opinion, if a person can clip their toe nails,

@Thevic: And how are we going to enforce any of those things? How can you tell if someone is listening to talk radio if the volume is low? How can we tell if someone is eating if they take discrete bites, and how do you distinguish it from gum. And how is talking to a passenger EVER less distracting than talking on

"Similar to the way an MRI brain scan can determine whether or not you'll be good at video games..."

@Thevic: Then we should outlaw radios, eating in cars, and talking to passengers. I hate the no talking on the phone argument. Its no different than talking to a passenger.

This reminds me of the initial announcements of the PS3 where it had 7 usb ports, a larger hard drive, memory card readers galore, two HDMI ports, and a slew of other things that never made it to market.

@furious_angel: I wish I could star things. This would be one of them. :D

@nerdmanwhippy: I agree. Especially if Microsoft has confirmed that they wont be removing the label from his Gamertag. I fully think it is possible for them to have made a mistake, but I was under the impression that these labels were only administered if a software or hardware change was detected. Still it is pretty

@Zack Timmons: People can use hands-free in most states. Plus what about smart phone users who stream audio like Pandora in their car? Im sure this would benefit them as well.

I remain convinced that in principle, chin reconstruction cannot be art. Perhaps it is foolish of me to say "never," because never, as Rick Wakeman informs us, is a long, long time. Let me just say that no critic now living will survive long enough to experience the medium as an art form.

@DrManhattan: But thats the thing, for me there really is no major reason to switch to vzw. I have impeccable service with ATT and never have had any real issues here in Southern California. Im in long island 3 weeks out of the year and even there I dont have issues. However, when I do visit NYC (though LA is fine) I

@dogmaticequation: Exactly. Even small businesses backup their data. You're telling me that you were (supposedly) close to curing cancer and not ONE PERSON said "Hey Bob, Windows has a tendency to shit out, maybe we should copy all this data onto an inexpensive external drive?"

Im sure the stoners of the world thank you for this video.

@DrManhattan: Agreed. Ive sent texts while talking on the phone, Ive surfed the web looking up info, Ive gotten directions via maps, and I am not willing to give up data while talking.