Mike Flak

The word 'parlay' is peppered throughout this write-up but I think the author means "Parley".
Parlay: A cumulative series of bets in which winnings accruing from each transaction are used as a stake for a further bet.
Parley: Hold a conference with the opposing side to discuss terms.

I've found many cheap CD's on Amazon, unfortunately most of them are of the nostalgic kind, albums that sold in the millions during the 90's that found their way into all used channels through the years. I could probably replicate my middle-school collection for $150, but for new/in-demand albums, good luck.

Yep, the doomsday preppers of physical media seem to forget that one good scratch on that fragile plastic could render your disc useless. And the nature of scratches make it so the discs you use the most are most likely going to be the victims.

According to Spotify, in 2015, I took in 54 new albums (5+ listens) and a grand total of 528 hours of listening. All of these were accessible on my home PC, work laptop, phone, and by extension, any bluetooth speaker or chromecast device I encountered. I can think of one or two situations where I was unable to access

Was it a little cafe? Where they played guitar night and all day? You could hear them in the back room strumming? From where you'd notify Rosalita that her daddy was coming?

I feel like much less a sucker when I spend ~$10/month for access to pretty much any album I could ever want.

I'd wait until one of them goes to get another backup. Besides, the longer you wait, the cheaper external hard drives will get. You can already get a 1 TB for ~$60.

I had quite a scam exploiting both Columbia House and Sam Goody at the mall. Sam Goody's return policy made it so scratched CD could be replaced with a new copy. I could buy 12 for a penny from Columbia House, then over the course of time, bring them to Sam Goody claiming damage. I was allowed to get the same copy of

I had an excellent thing going with Columbia House and the way-too-liberal return policy at Sam Goody. Get a disc from Columbia House, dislike/dub it to a tape, then go to Sam Goody and say it got scratched…For whatever reason, ME scratching the disc warranted a return. The more careful employee would make you pick

Anyone catch the George Newman/UHF reference at ~30 seconds?

One song stands above the rest:
Okkervil River: Where the Spirit Left Us