
Psssh, this is nothing. When I was 6 all my dad did was teach me how to build things, taught me respect, yelled at me when I fucked up, then later made me get a job in high school, bought my clothes, food, and a car for me. Then he had the nerve to pay out of pocket for 4 years of college and support all of my

You can still jump into the stands, creating a security risk for both players and fans and absolutely, no-question-about-it, show up your opponent by leaving the field of play to celebrate, right? We're still good with that?

Despite likely being a little off put by the whole thing, surely Lebron can empathize with a poor Decision when he sees one.

Only God's Love is Everlasting

Because 'Merica

NFL: "Nigger" is a bad word that drags us back to the days of slavery. Now step on this scale and run the 40 yard dash so we can measure your physical attributes and let rich white men decide where you get to live and work.

the sport sucks even more now.

I can only assume that this was because of his jacket and helmet being too loud.


well it's gross because it's from inside a guy's mouth. 2 girls kissing would be much better.

Well, that explains why there are no shower curtains...they block the cameras.

Now lets have McDonalds U.S.A tell us what's in "our" nuggets. Same products around the world are not created equal.

They do - reusuable k-cups that you use your own grounds in.

That was an awfully rapid descent down the slippery slope, what with an entire football team now trying to get married.

Fired for 9 months? Not just unemployed, but so damn awful her boss has spent 9 months firing her? She must be an awful, awful person.

Could ESPN Conjure a More Beaten-To-Death Narrative Over Which Vapid Debate Ran Its Course More Than a Year Ago and Yet Any Opportunity to Bring Up the Cash Cow is Readily Seized Upon by Network Executives in A Cynical Ploy to Boost Ratings to the Detriment of All Our Collective Happiness and Emotional Stability?

Only if he was driving their bus.

She's overcome so many hurdles to get to this point. Well, except for that last one in Beijing.

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