Did... did this “article” time travel from 2002?
Did... did this “article” time travel from 2002?
This actually seems like the perfect use case. It’s throwaway promotional art. It’s not intended to be unique, inspired or impressive. Anyone who isn’t an artist specifically looking for stuff to complain about likely wouldn’t notice the flaws because they wouldn’t look at the image long enough to notice any. It’s the…
Agreed. The use of AI here to stay.
I can’t wait for us to get past this whole point. It isn’t going anywhere and won’t be regulated away. I still remember how up in arms everyone one was about how digital art was going to ruin the entire industry. A decade or two from now & an article like this will seem even sillier than it currently does. Adapt or…
Wait. Wait.
Perhaps, but "I wasn't expecting to be beaten therefore my opponent cheated" is a ridiculous statement to make, regardless of said opponent's history of conduct.
Fucking braindead take, these toxic kids are far more likely to have been the bullies.
Apparently they’re very comfy. I know a few healthcare workers who swear by them for 12-hour hospital shifts (albeit close-toed versions for obvious reasons).
To be fair, though, a lot of actual art looks like dogshit and is sometimes actually deliberately doing it... If they were going for the “Dogshit AI Tripping Balls” aesthetic, it’s certainly consistent and the sequence is an interesting watch, perhaps for many of the wrong reasons, though. I’m not at all disturbed by…
Yeah even though I’m of the opinion that Rowling is a hateful transphobe but buying or not buying this game has almost zero effect on her opinions or ability to be a bigot (and just having this opinion makes me a Nazi to some people) it’s not as if I’m rushing out to buy it. The game looks merely fine. I’ll maybe play…
I’m all for standing up for Transgender rights, but if you are going to harass and bully people so aggressively, by even going as far as creating a website to tell you whether a streamer has played said video game, you aren’t exactly creating a healthy narrative.
The only people crying about a monopoly and how this is bad are sony fanboys who think exclusives are bad when it isn’t on their preferred system.
While this sale might be a bad idea it in no way shape or form would create a monopoly.
Question. what monopoly does Activision have? Because last time I check Battlefield is still around and EA is still making them.
I was around a 40" waistline for a time, and I had tons of trouble even finding pants in my size in most stores that weren’t bottom-of-the-barrel cheap assembly line stuff. I don’t get these people acting like that’s a reasonable size expectation.
Cracks me up some people want to paint a 40" waist as average. There’s a healthy middle ground between outright shaming people for being fat, and pretending being obese is healthy and desirable.
Agreed. About 36" waist currently as a guy and classify as overweight/borderline obese. Our increased sizes have become normalized to a terrifying degree.
While I think they probably should have designed this to be more accommodating, but less than 40" waistline isn’t “thin”, at least for dudes.
Source: I’m around 38" and I’m a bit of a fat fuck.
SNL sketches have literally never known how to end. I don't know if it's a function of needing to be flexible with the time constraints, but the format has always been 1 minute of a decently funny sketch + 4 minutes of pounding the premise into the ground until it's a fine paste.
i don’t get the love for this sketch at all...but if you do...i hope it gives you great pleasure!